Specification sheet |
Powdery mildew, Leaf spot, fruit rot on tobacco, wheat, groundnut, grapes, beans, cucurbits, brinjal, chilies, sugarbeats, peas. |
Mode of action |
Mitosis and cell division |
CAS number |
17804-35-2 |
Available formulations |
Technical, 50% WP |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose their own brand name. |
Specification sheet |
Controls Venturia scab on pome fruit; Monilinia on stone fruit; rust and powdery mildew on ornamentals; black spot on roses; Sigatoka on bananas; leaf spot and other diseases on vegetables and peanuts. |
Mode of action |
Steroid demethylation inhibitor |
CAS number |
55179-31-2 |
Available formulations |
Technical, 25% WP |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose their own brand name. |