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Specification sheet
For Coleopterous, Hemipterous, and Lepidopterous pests of cereals, coffee, cotton, fruit, rape, rice, soybeans, and vegetables. Cutworm control in all row crops.
Mode of action Non-sytemic insecticide with contact and stomach action.
CAS number 67375-30-8
Available formulations 95% Tech, 5%, 10%, 20% EC, 5% WP, 0.5% chalk, 10% SC.
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels and MSDS Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.
Aluminum Phosphide
Specification sheet
Fumigant, rodenticide, and insecticide for stored cereal grains; fumigant for control of burrowing rodents.
Mode of action Respiratory, metabolic, and nerve poison. Evolves a non-flammable mixture of phosphine (the toxicant), ammonia and carbon dioxide.
CAS number 20859­73­8
Available formulations 56% tablet.
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels and MSDS Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.