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Copper Oxychloride
Specification sheet
For the control of downy mildew, anthocerose in beets, citrus, fruit, grapes, olive trees, plantation crops, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables, ornamentals, etc.
Mode of action Disrupts the enzyme system of pathogen.
CAS number 1332-40-7
Available formulations Technical, 50 % WP, 77% WP.
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.
Copper Oxychloride Sulfate
Specification sheet
Controls downy mildew, blight, leaf spot, and brown rot of tree, vine, field, row crops.
Mode of action Disrupts the enzyme system of pathogen.
Available formulations 98% Technical,
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.