Specification sheet |
For the control of a wide range of insects pests on fruits, vegetables, tobacco, forage, field crops, grasslands, ornamentals, pastures, rangeland; grubs and nematodes in turf; seed treatment; fly control. |
Mode of action |
Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor |
CAS number |
333-41-5 |
Available formulations |
10% Gr, 20% EC, 60% EC, 40% WP, 2% DP. |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels and MSDS |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose own brand name. |
Specification sheet |
Controls stored product insects and aphids, caterpillars, mushroom flies, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies in greenhouses, fruits, vegetables. Also used for insect monitoring and mass trapping programs of codling moth, gypsy moth, spruce budworm, forest tent caterpillar, Mediterranean fruit fly, Oriental fruit fly, southwestern corn borer, boll weevil, and sweetpotato weevil. Used in conjunction with insect attractants to kill trapped insects. |
Mode of action |
Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor. |
CAS number |
62-73-7 |
Available formulations |
Technical, 10% EC, 20% EC, 76% EC. |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels and MSDS |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose own brand name. |