Specification sheet |
For control of aphids, Colorado potato beetle, ricehoppers, thrips, whiteflies, and turf and soil insects in cereal, corn, cotton, sorghum, fruit, maize, potatoes, rice, sugarbeets, turf, and vegetables. |
Mode of action |
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist/anatagonist. |
CAS number |
138261-41-3 |
Available formulations |
Technical, 17.8 % SL, 70% WS, 30.5 % SC, 35% SC. |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels and MSDS |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose own brand name. |
Specification sheet |
Control of Lepidoptera and certain other pests in field cotton, pigeon pea vegetables, and fruit. |
Mode of action |
Voltage-dependent sodium channel blocker |
CAS number |
173584-44-6 |
Available formulations |
Technical, 14.5 % SC |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels and MSDS |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose own brand name. |