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Specification sheet
For control of Alternaria, Botrytis, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Monilinia, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Septoria, etc. on vine, table grapes, fruit, almonds, berries, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, flowers, ornamentals, turf, oilseed rape, seed treatment of cereals and vegetables; crops like sugar beets, sunflower, rapeseed, and rice.
Mode of action Lipid and membrane synthesis inhibitor.
CAS number 36734-19-7
Available formulations Technical, 50% WP.
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.
Specification sheet
Controls bean halo blight, rice blast, sugar beet Cercospora leaf spot, tomato leaf mold, etc.
Mode of action Blocks Amino acids and protein synthesis
CAS number 6980-18-3
Available formulations Technical, 3% L
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.