Specification sheet |
Recommended for the Control of annual broadleaf and grassy weeds in artichoke, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower (pretransplant), citrus (nonbearing), coffee, conifers, corn (witchweed control), cotton (postdirect), fallow bed, grapes, guava, horseradish, jojoba, kiwi, macadamia, mayhaw, mint, noncropland, nuts, olives, onion, ornamentals, papaya, persimmon, taro, and tree fruits. |
Mode of action |
Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) |
CAS number |
42874-03-3 |
Available formulations |
Technical, 23.5% EC, 0.35% Gr |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose their own brand name. |
Paraquat dichloride
Specification sheet |
For the control of a broad range of weeds in Tea, Potato, Cotton, Rubber,
Rice (preploughing preseeding), Wheat, Maize, Grape and Apples.
Mode of action |
Broad spectrum non-residual activity with contact and some desiccant action, Photosystem-1-electron diversion. |
CAS number |
1910-42-5 |
Available formulations |
Technical, 24% SL |
Packaging |
Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. |
Labels |
Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. |
Trade name |
Customer can choose their own brand name. |