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Specification sheet
For the control of Echinochloa colona, E.crusgalli, Fimbristylis miliacea, Marselia quadrifoliata, Alternanthera sessilis, Ammonia baccifera, Ludwigra parviflora, Eclipta alba, Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa, spp.Euphorbia hirta, Amarnanthus viridis, Portulaca oleracea, Trianthema spp., Eleusine indica, Echinochloa spp., Euphorbia spp., Echinochloa spp., Eleusine Indica, Tranthema onogyna, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Cleome viscose, Digitaria nguinalis on Rice(Transplanted &direct sown Upland), Cotton, Soybean, Groundnut, Chillies, Onion.
Mode of action Microtubule assembly inhibition
CAS number 40487-42-1
Available formulations Technical, 30% EC, 33% EC.
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.
Specification sheet
For control of annual grasses and sedges in transplanted rice.
Mode of action Inhibition of VLCFAs (Inhibition of cell divison)
CAS number 51218-49-6
Available formulations Technical, 50% EC, 37.5% EC, 30% EC
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.