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Specification sheet
For control of rice sheath blight, black scurf on seed potatoes; damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani.
Mode of action Non-systemic inhibits enzyme trehlase.
CAS number 37248-47-8
Available formulations Technical, 1% L
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.
Specification sheet
For use on almond and peaches to control shot hole, brown rot, and peach leaf curl; apples, pears, and pecans to control scab and bull's-eye rot; grapes to control black rot, downy mildew, Phomopsis cane, ripe rot, Botrytis bunch rot; and on vegetables. The most stable of the metallic dithiocarbamates; nonphytotoxic except for zinc-sensitive plants.
Mode of action Ziram inhibits spore germination and mycellium growth by interfering with various enzymes involved in the respiration process. This property of acting on many sites of the biochemical process ensures that the product is free from resistance problems and effective against many fungi.
CAS number 137-30-4
Available formulations Technical, 80% WP, 27% SC.
Packaging Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications.
Labels Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements.
Trade name Customer can choose their own brand name.